Does He See Me?



“…Zacchaeus, hurry and come down because today I must stay at your house.”

-Luke 19:5

I realize it’s been several months since my last post and I’m almost inclined to state all the reasons (or excuses, depending on how you see things) why I’m not writing as often as I’d like to. I think, though, that it boils down to these two main reasons: content & time. I have a desire that the content of this blog be spiritually meaningful. I don’t ever want to feel as though I’m rushing through my thoughts, views, and opinions. What I must work on is my own flawed perception that these posts need to be long, scholarly, and theological. I need to be comfortable knowing that I’m just a simple guy, raised in a SoCal hood, with an average intelligence level. God created me exactly how He wanted to and has me where I’m at for a purpose. I will always desire to want to do or be more, but I strongly believe God is saying “not yet”.

If you’re reading this I want to encourage you not to take the position or situation you’re currently in for granted. If you find yourself frustrated because you know you have more to offer than what is being asked of you, please understand that what you are giving is exactly what is needed for this particular moment of your life. The Lord has gifted you beyond measure and both you and He know that within you is treasure chest full of blessings ready to bestow upon others. Have you considered that although you may be ready to start handing out these blessings by the truck load, God only needs you to hand them out a penny at a time? God is using you and your gifts at the rate in which He finds it necessary to bring Him the most glory (Repeat that in your mind again).

In the beginning of Luke 19 we are told the story of Zacchaus (I’ll call him Zack). No one ever paid attention to this guy for two reasons: he was a tax collector and he was short. He probably spent his entire life finding ways to be noticed and appreciated and then came to realize that the only way to get attention was to collect money. The narrative tells us that as Jesus entered Jericho, Zack was curious to see who He was, but because he was so short he couldn’t see above the crowd. So he does what he’s probably has done his entire life to get a better view of things, he climbs a tree. Verse 5 tells us, When Jesus came to the place, He looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down because today I must stay at your house (HCSB).” Can you mentally paint a picture of the scene? The silence of the crowd must have been deafening and the look on Zack’s face, priceless. We are then told salvation came to his entire household.

I mention this story because it’s very easy to feel unnoticed and unappreciated in ministry. I know, because I’ve felt it on numerous occasions. I understand the frustrations of feeling alone, overlooked, and unappreciated. I have to constantly remind myself that ministry isn’t about me, but about how God has enabled me to serve others. When the eyes of others see past you, it’s imperative for you to understand that the eyes of Jesus are always upon you. Just as Jesus looked up into that tree at Zacchaus, He looks at us and tells us “hurry and come down because today I must stay at your house”. Jesus sees, understands, knows, and loves us. Everything we say and do for the glory of God does not go unnoticed. I’m convinced that one day all the saints—past, present, and future—will be gathered together in heaven to witness our Lord crowning us with everlasting life. Our crowns will be the evidence and testimony of our faithful obedience to Him.

I want to end this post by pleading with you all to be satisfied where you’re at in the Lord. Constantly remind yourself why and who you’re serving by making it known through your faith in God and love towards others. Psalm 18:20 and Jeremiah 17:10 tells us that God knows the true motives of our hearts. Let Him see that what we do is not about us, but about giving Him all the glory, honor and praise.

The Purpose of Painful Memories

Note: Let me preface this blog by saying that our freedom of choice sometimes leads to terrible mistakes. Other times, we purposely make bad choices in hopes that they will yield positive results. While the former are life learning lesson, the latter are usually sins with a sprinkle of hope that they turn out to be a blessing. What I’m writing about here are the memories of terrible mistakes we’ve made and how they have a tendency to still affect us emotionally even after they have been dealt with.

Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; I wait for You all day long. Remember, Lord, Your compassion and Your faithful love, for they have existed from antiquity. Do not remember the sins of my youth or my acts of rebellion; in keeping with Your faithful love, remember me because of Your goodness, Lord.

Psalm 25:5-7 (HCSB)

Whether you were born with a Bible in your hand or became a believer later on in life, we have all made some serious mistakes in life. I’m not talking about the kinds of mistakes that we purposely mention in conversations within our Christian circles. No, I’m talking about the kinds of mistakes that are kept in the deep, dark corners of our minds and hearts. These are kinds of mistakes that make you weep in anguish as they’re recalled and relived in your mind. The fact that they may or may not have been spoken about or dealt with is irrelevant. The truth is, the memories of these mistakes have a tendency to creep up and play over and over in our heads until our focus is regained.

The kind’s of memories that emotionally affect me the most are the mistakes that involved hurting those I love. I can honestly and truthfully admit that I have asked many of those I hurt for forgiveness, and I wholeheartedly believe that forgiveness has been granted. Yet, every once in a while, I am mentally and emotionally tormented by one of these paralyzing memories. As was the case the other morning. As my eyes started to “sweat”, I found myself having a conversation with God. I prayed, “Lord, why am I thinking about this? Why am I on the verge of tears over something that happened years ago?” In His own quiet and loving way, He reminded me, “Because it was Me that kept you from what could have been in order for you to be where you’re at right now.” I glory in God because of the countless of times He has shown His faithfulness to keep His promises to me, even after I have failed Him time and time again.

If we are to keep moving forward and growing as Christians we must always keep in mind that God alone, is the reason we’re standing here today, in whatever situation you find yourself in. All of us can recall a time when something we said or did could have changed the course of our life for the worst. Yet, whether we saw it at the time or not, God rescued us so that we may completely glorify Him in every moment of our lives.

The verse I’m sharing with you captures the essence of what I’m writing about. Let us ask God to guide us in truth and instruction everyday. Let us not forget that God’s love and compassion for you and I has existed since before time began. We ought to not to be defined by the scars we bear or the buckets of tears we shed, but instead, see ourselves in the light of God’s grace, mercy and faithfulness. Until He takes us home, He is not done with us and He has so much more left to show you and me.

Welcome To Angel’s “Blog” Version 2.0

Lord, You have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I stand up; You understand my thoughts from far away. You observe my travels and my rest; You are aware of all my ways.  Before a word is on my tongue, You know all about it, Lord. You have encircled me; You have placed Your hand on me. This extraordinary knowledge is beyond me. It is lofty; I am unable to reach it.

                                Psalm 139:1-6

So, here I go again—Angel’s blog 2.0—my next attempt at what many would call blogging. I’m not sure if this is the term I would use to refer sharing my thoughts with you all but I wont fight a battle of semantics today, or anytime soon for that matter. For those of you that may have read or stumbled upon anything I had previously written, thank you for taking the time to read it/them. When I started to write and share them with the entire world I had just rededicated my life to the Lord. The problem was that I couldn’t articulate myself properly and as a result, my confidence began to diminish. Well, in the end I decided to close that other site, remove all the content, and work on developing my writing skills. I might, at some point, share some of that content here but with some major revisions. The way I see all that earlier stuff is the way, I’m sure, many artist view their early works; wishing some would disappear and knowing others just need a touch up (remix).

Now, for those of you that don’t know anything about me, in time you will. You will get to know what my political views are to my theological views. You will either dislike me, tolerate me, or by an ally to me. Whatever the case may be, I will always be open to a respectful and constructive dialogue. I have many reasons for sharing my thoughts and heart with you, which will be reveled progressively, but I only have one stated purpose: That I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving, And tell of all Your wondrous works (Psalm 26:7).

I wanted to begin this “blog” by sharing a portion of Psalm 139 that reminds me, and all of us who trust in him, that no matter what I do or how far I go, God knows, understands, and watches over me. In spite of the fact my thoughts and actions my not always be acceptable, He encircles me and places His hand on me. At the end of this verse, King David says something that many of us have cried out in our times of worship: “God how could you love me when I’m so wicked and disobedient? Why would You pour Your mercy, love, and grace upon me when I seem to blow it all the time? The way You perceive me is beyond anything I can understand. It is higher than any human understanding.” I encourage you to read and mediate on that entire Psalm today.

Please feel free to share your thoughts, comments, advice, and suggestions. May God bless, encourage, and strengthen you wherever you may be right now.